Friday, April 10, 2015

run wild. live free. love strong.

                   You were made to run wild. You were made to let yourself go. You were made to sprint through the sand and feel freedom to its fullest. You were made to kick your feet through the water, watch it rise in droplets and fall back into the vast mass of blue. To let the ocean come at you, a cold rush tugging at your ankles, begging you to come with it. You are allowed to wish some days it would just take you with it. You are allowed to be and not to be anything you don't want to be. You were made to live free, without bondage to any part of this world. You have freedom at your fingertips, freedom at its fullest, it's simply up to you to accept it. What are you waiting for? Nothing can hold you back. You were made to love strong. Love all people, unconditionally, without ties, passionately, genuinely, as intensely as you possibly can. It's such an important aspect, but society has somehow romanticized sadness and self hate to the point where love is lost. How can one express genuine love if they don't feel it within themselves? Treat yourself well and with love and this will radiate from your very skin. Love, the unconditional kind, the kind without any ties, is love in its most beautiful form.

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